Reference: MAAS metrics

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This page provides a MAAS metrics reference, categorised into two sections: “Cluster metrics” and “Performance metrics.”

Cluster metrics

The following cluster metrics are available for MAAS.


The number of machines known by MAAS, by status

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of machines
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    status machine status


Number of nodes known by MAAS per type (machine, device or controller)

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of machines
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    type type of node (machine/device/controller)


Number of network spaces

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of spaces
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Number of network fabrics

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of fabrics
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Number of network VLANs

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of vlans
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Number of IPv4 subnets

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count ipv4 subnets
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Number of IPv6 subnets

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of ipv6 subnets
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Number of IPs in a subnet by status

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of ips
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    status available or used


Number of used dynamic IPs in a subnet

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of used dynamic ips
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    status available or used
    cidr subnet address


Number of used reserved IPs in a subnet

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of used reserved ips
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    status available or used
    cidr subnet address


Number of used static IPs in a subnet

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of used static ips
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    status available or used
    cidr subnet address


Amount of combined memory for all machines

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Megabytes of memory
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Amount of combined CPU counts for all machines

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of cpus
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Amount of combined storage space for all machines

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Bytes of storage
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Number of KVM hosts

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of kvm hosts
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Number of virtual machines allocated in KVM hosts

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of virtual machines
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of CPU cores present on KVM hosts

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of kvm cores
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    status available or used


Total amount of RAM present on KVM hosts

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Megabytes of memory
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    status available or used


Total amount of storage space present on KVM hosts

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Bytes of storage
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    status available or used


Total number of CPU cores present on KVM hosts adjusted by the overcommit setting

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Overcommitted number of cores
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total amount of RAM present on KVM hosts adjusted by the overcommit setting

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Overcommitted megabytes of memory
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of machines per architecture

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of machines
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    arch machine architecture


Number of custom OS images present in MAAS

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of images
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    base_image custom image base OS
    file_type image file type


Number deployed machines running custom OS images

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of images
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Number of KVM clusters

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of projects
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of KVM hosts in clusters

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of vm hosts
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of virtual machines in KVM clusters

  • Type: Gauge
  • Unit: Count of virtual machines
  • Labels
    Label Description
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID

Performance metrics

The following performance metrics are available for MAAS.


The time MAAS takes to process a REST API call. It doesn’t include any time associated with network, including proxy processing

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Seconds
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    method HTTP method
    op REST API operation name
    path REST API endpoint
    status HTTP response status code


The size of REST API responses

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Bytes
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    method HTTP method
    op REST API operation name
    path REST API endpoint
    status HTTP response status code


The number of database operations executed per REST API call

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    method HTTP method
    op REST API operation name
    path REST API endpoint
    status HTTP response status code


The time required to perform a single database operation during a REST API call. The database latency is measured from the moment MAAS starts a transaction until it gets the response

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Seconds
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    method HTTP method
    op REST API operation name
    path REST API endpoint
    status HTTP response status code


The time a Region controller takes to perform a RPC call to a Rack controller. The latency is measured from the request to the response.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Seconds
  • Labels
    Label Description
    call RPC operation
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


The time a Rack controller takes to perform a RPC call to a Region controller. The latency is measured from the request to the response.

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Seconds
  • Labels
    Label Description
    call RPC operation
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


The number of database operations executed per WebSocket call

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    call WS operation
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


The time required to perform a single database operation during a WebSocket call. The database latency is measured from the moment MAAS starts a transaction until it gets the response

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Seconds
  • Labels
    Label Description
    call WS operation
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


The time MAAS takes to process a WebSocket call. It doesn’t include any time associated with network, including proxy processing

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Seconds
  • Labels
    Label Description
    call WS operation
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


The time MAAS takes to setup all zones in the DNS service per update type, which can be ‘reload’ (cold-start) or ‘dynamic’ (RNDC operation)

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Seconds
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    update_type reload or dynamic


Count of full DNS zone rewrite operations

  • Type: Counter
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    zone DNS zone name


Count of dynamic DNS zone update operations

  • Type: Counter
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    zone DNS zone name


number of occurrences of the RPC connection pool allocate its maximum number of connections

  • Type: Counter
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of failures for fetching LXD machines

  • Type: Counter
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of failures of LXD disk creation

  • Type: Counter
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of failures of virsh storage pool creation

  • Type: Counter
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of failures of virsh interfaces enumeration

  • Type: Counter
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Total number of failures of virsh domain description

  • Type: Counter
  • Unit: None
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID


Time required to transfer a file to a machine using TFTP

  • Type: Histogram
  • Unit: Seconds
  • Labels
    Label Description
    host controller IP address
    maas_id MAAS cluster UUID
    filename file requested

Last updated 2 months ago.