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Checking Logs in Systemd (MAAS 3.5 and Newer)
Starting with version 3.5, MAAS logs are saved in systemd. Use these commands to view the logs based on how you installed MAAS (snap or Debian packages):
Region Controller Logs
journalctl -u snap.maas.pebble -t maas-regiond
journalctl -u maas-regiond
Rack Controller Logs
Snap: journalctl -u snap.maas.pebble -t maas-rackd
Debian: journalctl -u maas-rackd
Agent Logs
journalctl -u snap.maas.pebble -t maas-agent
journalctl -u maas-agent
API Server Logs
journalctl -u snap.maas.pebble -t maas-apiserver
journalctl -u maas-apiserver
Filtering Logs by Machine Name
To search for logs by machine name (hostname):
journalctl -u snap.maas.pebble -t maas-machine --since "-15m" MAAS_MACHINE_HOSTNAME=ace-cougar
Checking Logs Before MAAS 3.5
Before version 3.5, MAAS saved logs in custom files. Here are some examples:
Region Controller:
Rack Controller:
Using the less Command to Read Logs
less /var/snap/maas/common/log/regiond.log
How to Read Event Logs
Using the UI
Go to the Machines list in the UI.
Click on a machine and select the Events tab.
To see more details, click View full history.
Using the Command Line
maas $PROFILE events query
Formatting Event Logs with jq
To format the output neatly with jq:
maas admin events query | jq -r '(["HOSTNAME","TIMESTAMP","TYPE","DESCRIPTION"] | (., map(length*"-"))), (.events[] | [.hostname, .created, .type, .description // "-"]) | @tsv' | column -t -s $'\t'
How to Read Commissioning Logs
Using the UI
Go to the Commissioning tab of a machine.
Click the links to see the detailed logs.
Using the Command Line
maas $PROFILE node-script-result read $SYSTEM_ID $RESULTS
How to Read Testing Logs
Example Command:
maas $PROFILE node-script-result read $SYSTEM_ID type=smartctl-validate
Last updated 9 days ago.