Power drivers reference

The following page catalogs the fields in the “create machine” dialogue for each supported power driver. Note that most of the multiple-choice fields have drop-down menus to assist with your choice. In the next section we introduce configuring power drivers using the UI. In “CLI parameter expressions,” you will find how to configure them using the CLI.

UI parameter expressions

Intel AMT

Form field Description Required
Power password Password to access unit Optional
Power address IP address of unit Required

American Power Conversion (APC) PDU

Form field Description Required
IP for APC PDU IP address of unit Required
APU PDU node outlet number (1-16) PDU node outlet number Required
Power ON outlet delay (seconds) outlet power ON delay Optional, default=5

Digital Loggers, Inc. PDU

Form field Description Required
Outlet ID outlet ID Required
Power address IP address of unit Required
Power user Username to login Optional
Power password Password to access unit Optional

IBM Hardware Management Console (HMC)

Form field Description Required
IP for HMC IP address of unit Required
HMC username Username to login Optional
HMC password Password to access unit Optional
HMC Managed System server name HMC managed server name Required
HMC logical partition HMC logical partition of unit Required


Form field Description Required
LXD address IP address of unit Required
Instance name LXD container instance name Required
LXD password Password to access unit Optional


Some of the fields for this power type have fixed choices, indicated in the “Choices” column.

Form field Description Choices Required
Power driver Power driver LAN [IPMI 1.5] Required
LAN_2_0 [IPMI 2.0]
Power boot type Boot type Automatic Required
Legacy boot
EFI boot
IP address IP address of unit Required
Power user Username to login Optional
Power password Password to access unit Optional
Power MAC MAC address of unit Optional
K_g K_g BMC key Optional
Cipher suite Cipher suite ID - 17 (17 - HMAC-SHA256::HMAC_SHA256_128::AES-CBC-128) Optional
3 (3 - HMAC-SHA1::HMAC-SHA1-96::AES-CBC-128)
(blank) (freeipmi-tools default)
8 (8 - HMAC-MD5::HMAC-MD5-128::AES-CBC-128)
12 (12 - HMAC-MD5::MD5-128::AES-CBC-128)
Privilege level IPMI privilege level User Optional

Manual power configuration

Manual power configuration means exactly that – manually configured at the unit – hence there are no parameters to set in the “create machine” UI.

HP Moonshot - iLO4 (IPMI)

Form field Description Required
Power address IP address of unit Required
Power user Username to login Optional
Power password Password to access unit Optional
Power hardware address Hardware address of unit Required

HP Moonshot - iLO Chassis Manager

Form field Description Required
IP for MSCM CLI API IP address of unit Required
MSCM CLI API user Username to login Optional
MSCM CLI API password Password to access unit Optional
Node ID cXnY Required
- where X = cartridge number
Y = node number

Microsoft OCS - Chassis Manager

Form field Description Required
Power address IP address of unit Required
Power port Port where unit is attached Optional
Power user Username to login Optional
Power password Password to access unit Optional
Blade ID Blade ID (usu. 1-24) Required

OpenStack Nova

Form field Description Required
Host UUID Host UUID Required
Tenant name Tenant name Required
Username Username to login Required
Password Password to access unit Required
Auth URL URL to access unit Required


Form field Description Required
Power type Proxmox Required
Host name or IP Power address for the Proxmox driver Required
Username, including realm Power user, along with realm (i.e., Username@Realm Required
Password Required if a token name and secret aren’t given Provisional
API token name Token name: must include Username without realm (i.e., Username!Token-name Provisional
API token secret Token secret Provisional
Node ID VM name or ID Optional
Verify SSL connections… Boolean, whether or not to verify SSL connections with the system’s root CA certificate Required

OpenBMC Power Driver

Form field Description Required
OpenBMC address IP address of unit Required
OpenBMC user Username to login Required
OpenBMC password Password to access unit Required

Christmann RECS-Box Power Driver

Form field Description Required
Node ID Node ID Required
Power address IP address of unit Required
Power port Port where unit is attached Optional
Power user Username to login Optional
Power password Password to access unit Optional


Form field Description Required
Redfish address IP address of unit Required
Redfish user Username to login Required
Redfish password Password to access unit Required
Node ID Node ID Optional

SeaMicro 15000

Some of the fields for this power type have fixed choices, indicated in the “Choices” column.

Form field Description Choices Required
System ID System ID Required
Power address IP address of unit Required
Power user Username to login Optional
Power password Password to access unit Optional
Power control type Password to access unit IPMI Required

Cisco UCS Manager

Form field Description Required
Server UUID Server UUID Required
API user API user Optional
API password API password Optional

virsh - libvirt KVM

Form field Description Required
Address URL of VM Required
Password API password Optional
Virsh VM ID libvirt VM UUID Required


Form field Description Required
VM Name VM name (if UUID unknown) Optional
VM UUID VM UUID (if known) Optional
VMware IP IP address of VM Required
VMware username Username to access VM Required
VMware password Password to access VM Required
VMware API port VMware API port number Optional
VMware API protocol VMware API protocol Optional

Facebook’s Wedge

Form field Description Required
IP address IP address of unit Required
Power user Username to access unit Optional
Power password Password to access unit Optional

Virsh power type (UI)

Consider a machine backed by VM. Below, a ‘Power type’ of Virsh has been selected, and the ‘Power address’ of qemu+ssh://ubuntu@ has been entered (replace values as appropriate). The value of ‘Power ID’ is the VM domain (guest) name, here node2.

Pro tip: The machine’s hostname – according to MAAS – is a randomly chosen string (here dear.ant). You should change this hostname to something descriptive, that helps you remember why this machine is in your MAAS network.


It’s important to understand that the Webhook power driver is more generic than other drivers, so it has some flexibility that the underlying power driver may not support. For example, Webhook doesn’t require a username or password for the power driver, because not all power drivers work that way. Nevertheless, the power driver you’re connecting to Webhook may actually require a username and/or password. Understanding and implementing these fields correctly for the chosen back-end power driver is the user’s responsibility.

To that end, the “Required” column for this driver refers only to whether Webhook requires a value in each field. Just because a field is optional for Webhook itself does not mean that the underlying power driver will ultimately allow that field to be unspecified.

Form field Description Required (by Webhook)
Power type Webhook (from drop-down list) Required
URI to power on the node URI to access power driver’s API for power on Required
URI to power off the node URI to access power driver’s API for power off Required
URI to query the nodes power status URI to access power driver’s API for power status Required
Regex to confirm the node is on Regex expression that will return a string if the power is on, and no string if the power is off Required, defaults supplied
Regex to confirm the node is off Regex expression that will return a string if the power is off, and no string if the power is on Required, defaults supplied
Power user Username to log into the power driver Optional
Power password Password to access unit Optional
Power token Power driver API token (used instead of user and password, if set) Optional
Verify SSL connections… Boolean, whether or not to verify SSL connections with the system’s root CA certificate Required

CLI parameter expressions

Intel AMT

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=amt. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type amt Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_pass Password to access unit Optional

American Power Conversion (APC) PDU

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=apc. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type apc Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
node_outlet PDU node outlet number Required
power_on_delay outlet power ON delay Optional, default=5

Digital Loggers, Inc. PDU

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=dli. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type dli Required
outlet_id outlet ID Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_user Username to login Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional

Eaton PDU

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=eaton. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type eaton Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
node_outlet PDU node outlet number Required
power_on_delay outlet power ON delay Optional, default=5

IBM Hardware Management Console (HMC)

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=hmc. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type hmc Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
server_name HMC managed server name Required
lpar HMC logical partition of unit Required
power_user Username to login Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional


All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=lxd. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type lxd Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
instance_name LXD container instance name Required
power_pass Password to access unit Optional


All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=amt. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded. Power driver specific parameters should be prefixed with power_parameters_{key}.

Some of the fields for this power type have fixed choices, indicated in the “Choices” column.

Form field Description Choices Required
power_driver Power driver LAN [IPMI 1.5] Required
LAN_2_0 [IPMI 2.0]
power_boot_type Boot type Automatic Required
Legacy boot
EFI boot
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_user Username to login Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional
mac_address MAC address of unit Optional
k_g K_g BMC key Optional
cipher_suite_id Cipher suite ID 17 (17 - HMAC-SHA256::HMAC_SHA256_128::AES-CBC-128) Optional
3 (3 - HMAC-SHA1::HMAC-SHA1-96::AES-CBC-128)
(blank) (freeipmi-tools default)
8 (8 - HMAC-MD5::HMAC-MD5-128::AES-CBC-128)
12 (12 - HMAC-MD5::MD5-128::AES-CBC-128)
privilege_level IPMI privilege level User Optional

Manual power configuration

Manual power configuration means exactly that – manually configured at the unit. The only MAAS CLI parameter is power_type=amt.

HP Moonshot - iLO4 (IPMI)

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=moonshot. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
`power_type moonshot Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_hwaddress Hardware address of unit Required
power_user Username to login Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional

HP Moonshot - iLO Chassis Manager

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=mscm. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
`power_type mscm Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
node_id cXnY Required
- where X = cartridge number
Y = node number
power_user Username to login Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional

Microsoft OCS - Chassis Manager

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=msftocs. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
`power_type msftocs Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
blade_id Blade ID (usu. 1-24) Required
power_port Port where unit is attached Optional
power_user Username to login Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional

OpenStack Nova

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=nova. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
`power_type nova Required
nova_id Host UUID Required
os_tenantname Tenant name Required
os_username Username to login Required
os_password Password to access unit Required
os_authurl URL to access unit Required

OpenBMC Power Driver

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=openbmc. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type openbmc Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_user Username to login Required
power_pass Password to access unit Required

Christmann RECS-Box Power Driver

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=recs_box. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
`power_type recs_box Required
node_id Node ID Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_port Port where unit is attached Optional
power_user Username to login Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional


All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=redfish. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
`power_type redfish Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_user Username to login Required
power_pass Password to access unit Required
node_id Node ID Optional

SeaMicro 15000

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=sm15k. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Some of the fields for this power type have fixed choices, indicated in the “Choices” column.

Parameter Description Choices Required
power_type sm15k Required
system_id System ID Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_control Password to access unit ipmi Required
power_user Username to login Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional

Cisco UCS Manager

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=ucsm. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type ucsm Required
uuid Server UUID Required
power_address URL for XML API Required
power_user API user Optional
power_pass API password Optional

virsh - libvirt KVM

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=virsh. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type virsh Required
power_id libvirt VM UUID Required
power_address URL of VM Required
power_pass API password Optional


All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=vmware. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type vmware Required
power_vm_name VM name (if UUID unknown) Optional
power_uuid VM UUID (if known) Optional
power_address IP address of VM Required
power_user Username to access VM Required
power_pass Password to access VM Required
power_port VMware API port number Optional
power_protocol VMware API protocol Optional

Facebook’s Wedge

All parameters are entered as key=value, e.g., power_type=amt. The MAAS CLI will refuse the request with informative errors if required parameters are excluded.

Parameter Description Required
power_type wedge Required
power_address IP address of unit Required
power_user Username to access unit Optional
power_pass Password to access unit Optional

Virsh power type (CLI)

Consider a machine backed by a KVM, accessed via virsh. You can create a corresponding MAAS machine and set its power parameters with a command like this one:

maas admin machines create \
architecture=amd64 \
mac_addresses=52:54:00:15:36:f2 \
power_type=virsh \
power_parameters_power_id=f677a842-571c-4e65-adc9-11e2cf92d363 \
power_parameters_power_address=qemu+ssh://stormrider@ \

If successful, this will return:


Machine-readable output follows this announcement. The JSON generated by this command is shown in the detail block.

MAAS command JSON response ``` { "storage": 0.0, "tag_names": [], "special_filesystems": [], "memory": 0, "boot_disk": null, "virtualblockdevice_set": [], "hardware_info": { "system_vendor": "Unknown", "system_product": "Unknown", "system_family": "Unknown", "system_version": "Unknown", "system_sku": "Unknown", "system_serial": "Unknown", "cpu_model": "Unknown", "mainboard_vendor": "Unknown", "mainboard_product": "Unknown", "mainboard_serial": "Unknown", "mainboard_version": "Unknown", "mainboard_firmware_vendor": "Unknown", "mainboard_firmware_date": "Unknown", "mainboard_firmware_version": "Unknown", "chassis_vendor": "Unknown", "chassis_type": "Unknown", "chassis_serial": "Unknown", "chassis_version": "Unknown" }, "address_ttl": null, "memory_test_status": -1, "other_test_status_name": "Unknown", "osystem": ", "status_message": "Commissioning", "netboot": true, "physicalblockdevice_set": [], "node_type": 0, "cpu_test_status": -1, "memory_test_status_name": "Unknown", "bcaches": [], "storage_test_status": 0, "system_id": "bhxws3", "status": 1, "commissioning_status": 0, "power_type": "virsh", "locked": false, "numanode_set": [ { "index": 0, "memory": 0, "cores": [] } ], "bios_boot_method": null, "fqdn": "ace-swan.maas", "node_type_name": "Machine", "hostname": "ace-swan", "volume_groups": [], "testing_status": 0, "network_test_status": -1, "other_test_status": -1, "interface_test_status": -1, "hwe_kernel": null, "blockdevice_set": [], "testing_status_name": "Pending", "power_state": "unknown", "min_hwe_kernel": ", "owner": "admin", "distro_series": ", "storage_test_status_name": "Pending", "cpu_speed": 0, "swap_size": null, "cpu_test_status_name": "Unknown", "hardware_uuid": null, "architecture": "amd64/generic", "pool": { "name": "default", "description": "Default pool", "id": 0, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/resourcepool/0/" }, "cache_sets": [], "pod": null, "iscsiblockdevice_set": [], "disable_ipv4": false, "status_action": ", "boot_interface": { "name": "eth0", "id": 10, "product": null, "system_id": "bhxws3", "effective_mtu": 1500, "children": [], "link_connected": true, "enabled": true, "interface_speed": 0, "numa_node": 0, "firmware_version": null, "parents": [], "discovered": null, "params": ", "links": [], "sriov_max_vf": 0, "tags": [], "type": "physical", "vlan": null, "vendor": null, "link_speed": 0, "mac_address": "52:54:00:15:36:f2", "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/bhxws3/interfaces/10/" }, "cpu_count": 0, "domain": { "authoritative": true, "ttl": null, "resource_record_count": 0, "name": "maas", "is_default": true, "id": 0, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/domains/0/" }, "current_testing_result_id": 7, "default_gateways": { "ipv4": { "gateway_ip": null, "link_id": null }, "ipv6": { "gateway_ip": null, "link_id": null } }, "interface_set": [ { "name": "eth0", "id": 10, "product": null, "system_id": "bhxws3", "effective_mtu": 1500, "children": [], "link_connected": true, "enabled": true, "interface_speed": 0, "numa_node": 0, "firmware_version": null, "parents": [], "discovered": null, "params": ", "links": [], "sriov_max_vf": 0, "tags": [], "type": "physical", "vlan": null, "vendor": null, "link_speed": 0, "mac_address": "52:54:00:15:36:f2", "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/bhxws3/interfaces/10/" } ], "status_name": "Commissioning", "commissioning_status_name": "Pending", "owner_data": {}, "ip_addresses": [], "raids": [], "network_test_status_name": "Unknown", "description": ", "current_commissioning_result_id": 6, "interface_test_status_name": "Unknown", "current_installation_result_id": null, "zone": { "name": "default", "description": ", "id": 1, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/zones/default/" }, "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/machines/bhxws3/" } ```

BMC drivers

Power Driver (X=supported) PXE Next Boot Power Querying Chassis/Pod Configuration Enhanced UI Error Reporting BMC Enlistment
American Power Conversion (APC) - PDU
Cisco UCS Manager X X X
Digital Loggers, Inc. - PDU
Facebook's Wedge *
HP Moonshot - iLO Chassis Manager X X X
HP Moonshot - iLO4 (IPMI) X X X
IBM Hardware Management Console (HMC) X X
Intel AMT X X X
Microsoft OCS - Chassis Manager X X X
OpenStack Nova X
Rack Scale Design X X X
Redfish X X X
SeaMicro 15000 X X X
Sentry Switch CDU - PDU
VMWare X X X
Virsh (virtual systems) X X X

* The ‘Facebook’s Wedge’ OpenBMC power driver is considered experimental at this time.

Last updated 15 days ago.