How to use availability zones

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This page explains how to use availability zones with MAAS. You can learn about availability zones elsewhere in this documentation set.

List availability zones

To see a list of availability zones:

  • In the MAAS UI, select AZs from the top tab bar.

  • Via the MAAS CLI, enter the following command:

    maas $PROFILE zones read \
    | jq -r '(["ZONE","NAME","DESCRIPTION"]
    | (., map(length*"-"))), (.[] | [.id, .name, .description])
    | @tsv' | column -t
which produces output similar to:
    ----  ----         -----------
    5     BizOffice
    1     default
    4     Inventory
    2     Medications
    3     Payroll
    6     ProServ

Add an availability zone

To create an availability zone:

  • In the MAAS UI, select AZs > Add AZ > enter Name,Description > Add AZ.

  • Via the CLI, enter the following command:

    maas $PROFILE zones create name=$ZONE_NAME description=$ZONE_DESCRIPTION

Edit an availability zone

To edit an availability zone:

  • In the MAAS UI, select AZs > > Edit > Update Name,Description > Update AZ.

  • Via the MAAS CLI, enter a command similar to the following:

    maas $PROFILE zone update $OLD_ZONE_NAME name=$NEW_ZONE_NAME \

Delete an availability zone

To delete an availability zone:

  • In the MAAS UI, select AZs > > Delete AZ > Delete AZ.

  • Via the MAAS CLI, enter a command like this:

    maas $PROFILE zone delete $ZONE_NAME

Assign a machine to an availability zone

To assign a machine to an availability zone:

  • In the MAAS 3.4 UI, select Machines > choose machines > Categorise > Set zone > choose Zone > Set zone for machine.

  • With the UI for all other MAAS versions, select Machines > choose machines > Take action > Set zone > choose Zone > Set zone for machine.

  • Via the MAAS CLI, first retrieve the machine’s system ID like this:

    maas PROFILE machines read | jq '.[] | .hostname, .system_id'
Then enter the following command, using the system ID you just retrieved:
    maas admin machine update $SYSTEM_ID zone=$ZONE_NAME

Deploy a machine in a particular zone (CLI)

To deploy in a particular zone:

  1. First acquire the machine, assigning it to the particular zone:
    maas $PROFILE machines allocate zone=$ZONE_NAME system_id=$SYSTEM_ID 
  1. Then deploy the machine as normal:
    maas $PROFILE machine deploy system_id=$SYSTEM_ID

Last updated 4 months ago.