How to report and review bugs

MAAS bug reports appear in Launchpad. Here are some tips for submitting usable bugs.

Ready your info

Preparation is key. Have these details ready:

  1. Bug summary: Be concise. Think:
    • “MAAS PXE boot fails on IBM LPAR as KVM host”
  2. Version and build:
    • Snap users: snap list maas
    • Debian package users: apt list maas
  3. Interface used: UI? CLI? API? Specify.
  4. What happened: Describe the unexpected behaviour. Keep it crisp.
  5. Steps to reproduce: Step-by-step actions leading to the problem.
  6. Screenshots: Only if they clarify.
  7. Log files: Especially maas.log, regiond.log, rackd.log. Depending on your installation:
    • Snap: /var/snap/maas/common/log/
    • Debian Package: /var/log/maas/

Use a text editor. Keep these details at hand.

Submit the bug

  1. Start here: Launchpad bug report page^
  2. Summary: Input your concise summary.
  3. Details: Paste the prepared info into “Further information”.
  4. Attachments: Add screenshots and log files. Describe them.
  5. Submit: Click “Submit Bug Report”.

For clarity, you can view this sample bug.

Last updated 3 months ago.