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Configure controllers
There are two types of MAAS controllers:
- Rack controller: Manages VLANs and connects to one MAAS instance at a time.
- Region controller: Manages UI/API, rack controllers, and MAAS PostgreSQL database.
You can do the following basic configuration:
- Add rack controller (snap):
sudo snap install maas sudo maas init rack --maas-url $MAAS_URL --secret $SECRET
- List rack controllers:
maas $PROFILE rack-controllers read | grep hostname | cut -d '"' -f 4
- Move rack controller: Delete and re-register on another MAAS instance.
maas $PROFILE rack-controller delete $SYSTEM_ID
Configure machines
- Add machine (UI): Machines > Add hardware > Machine > fill in the form > Save.
- Add machine (CLI):
maas $PROFILE machines create architecture=$ARCH mac_addresses=$MAC_ADDRESS \ power_type=$POWER_TYPE power_parameters_power_id=$POWER_ID \ power_parameters_power_address=$POWER_ADDRESS power_parameters_power_pass=$POWER_PASSWORD
- List machines (CLI):
maas $PROFILE machines read | jq -r '(["HOSTNAME","SYSID","POWER", ...])'
- View machine details (CLI): View machine status/configuration using:
maas $PROFILE machine read $SYSTEM_ID | jq '.'
Commission machines
- Commission (UI): Machines > machine > Actions > Commission > Commission machine.
- Commission (CLI):
maas $PROFILE machine commission $SYSTEM_ID
- Upload commissioning scripts (UI): Settings > User scripts > Upload.
Allocate machines
- Allocate machine (UI): Machines > machine > Take action > Allocate.
- Allocate machine (CLI):
maas $PROFILE machines allocate
- Allocate specific machine (CLI):
maas $PROFILE machines allocate system_id=$SYSTEM_ID
Deploy machines
- Deploy machine (UI): Machines > machine > Take action > Deploy.
- Deploy machine (CLI):
maas $PROFILE machine deploy $SYSTEM_ID
- Deploy as KVM host:
maas $PROFILE machine deploy $SYSTEM_ID install_kvm=True
Set deployment timeout
- Set deployment timeout (CLI):
maas $PROFILE maas set-config name=node-timeout value=$NUMBER_OF_MINUTES
Add running machines
- Via CLI:
maas $PROFILE machines create deployed=true hostname=mymachine \ architecture=amd64 mac_addresses=00:16:3e:df:35:bb power_type=manual
- Via the machine itself:
wget http://$MAAS_IP:5240/MAAS/maas-run-scripts chmod 755 maas-run-scripts ./maas-run-scripts register-machine --hostname mymachine \ > http://$MAAS_IP:5240/MAAS $MAAS_API_TOKEN
Last updated 24 days ago.