Configuring MAAS settings

Setting Description How to Access Example/Notes
MAAS Name Assign a unique name and emoji to identify your MAAS instance. Settings > Configuration > General US-west-2 🇺🇸 MAAS-prod
Theme Main Colour Set a custom theme colour for the MAAS interface. Settings > Configuration > General Helps differentiate instances visually.
Data Analytics Enable analytics to improve user experience. Settings > Configuration > General Uses Google Analytics, Usabilla, and Sentry.
Notifications Enable notifications for new releases. Settings > Configuration > General Helps keep you informed of updates.
Default Ubuntu Release for Commissioning Set the default Ubuntu version for new machine commissioning. Settings > Configuration > Commissioning Default: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Default Minimum Kernel Version Set the lowest allowed kernel version for new nodes. Settings > Configuration > Commissioning No minimum by default.
Default OS for Deployment Set the default operating system for deployments. Settings > Configuration > Deploy Example: Ubuntu, CentOS.
Default OS Release for Deployment Set the specific OS release for deployments. Settings > Configuration > Deploy Example: Ubuntu 22.04, CentOS 7.
Hardware Sync Interval Frequency of hardware info syncs (in minutes). Settings > Configuration > Deploy Default: 15 minutes.
Global Kernel Parameters Set boot parameters for all machines. Settings > Configuration > Kernel parameters Apply settings consistently during boot.
Security Protocols (TLS) Enable TLS for secure communication. Run CLI command: sudo maas config-tls enable $key $cert --port YYYY TLS is disabled by default.
Secret Storage Integrate MAAS with Vault for secure secrets management. Run CLI command: sudo maas config-vault configure ... Use Vault to secure secrets.
Session Timeout Set how long user sessions remain active. Settings > Security > Session timeout Max: 14 days. Example: “2 weeks” or “336 hours.”
IPMI Settings Configure IPMI username, key, and privilege level. Settings > Security > IPMI settings Privilege levels: Admin, Operator, User.
User Management Manage users, including adding, editing, and deleting users. Settings > Users Search and sort users easily.
Proprietary Drivers Enable proprietary drivers (e.g., HPVSA). Settings > Images > Ubuntu Needed for certain hardware setups.
Windows KMS Host Set the host for Windows KMS activation. Settings > Images > Windows Enter FQDN or IP of the KMS host.
VMware vCenter Server Configure VMware vCenter settings (FQDN, username, datacenter). Settings > Images > VMware Required for VMware ESXi deployments.
License Keys Add and manage product license keys. Settings > License keys Sortable, searchable table for licenses.
Default Storage Layout Set the storage layout applied during commissioning. Settings > Storage Options: Bcache, Flat, LVM, etc.
Disk Erasure Options Choose secure or quick disk erasure methods. Settings > Storage Secure erase for supported devices.
HTTP Proxy Configure proxy for image downloads and package access. Settings > Network > Proxy Options: No proxy, Built-in, External, Peer.
Upstream DNS Set DNS servers for resolving external domains. Settings > Network > DNS Example: for Google DNS.
NTP Server Configure NTP servers for time sync. Settings > Network > NTP Use external NTP servers only if needed.
Remote Syslog Server Forward logs to a remote syslog server. Settings > Network > Syslog Helps centralize logging.
Network Discovery Enable passive or active network discovery. Settings > Network > Network discovery Keeps discovery info accurate.
Commissioning Scripts Upload and manage commissioning scripts. Settings > Scripts > Commissioning scripts Scripts run during hardware setup.
Testing Scripts Upload and manage testing scripts. Settings > Scripts > Testing scripts Scripts run to test hardware.
DHCP Snippets Manage DHCP configuration snippets. Settings > DHCP snippets Useful for custom DHCP settings.
Package Repos Add and manage APT/YUM repositories. Settings > Package repos Add PPAs or custom repos.

Last updated 10 days ago.